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The master planned "Paseo del Sol" groundbreaking ceremony was met with enthusiasm by the community of Chino. This is a Public / Private Partnership (P3) project with Omni West Group and The City of Chino Redevelopment Department. The master plan includes a Performing Arts Center, Community Center, City Day Care, Medical and Office Buildings.

Breathing New Life Into Communities through Urban Redevelopment with City of Chino Mayor Dennis Yates and Omni West Group Kip Dubbs.

Revitalizing Urban Downtown Areas

Quality Developments Stimulate Local Economies

Omni West Group is committed to the revitalization of urban downtown areas by working jointly with various redevelopment agencies and government departments to develop new properties to invigorate mature neighborhoods. The company seeks B+ or better locations in mature in-fill markets. Omni West Group is proud to breathe new life into communities by providing quality developments that stimulate the local economy through increased spending
and job growth.

Social Responsibility Goals/Community Activities

Omni West Group aims to remain active in the communities in which
we develop through:

Membership in local business associations

Participation in local Chamber of Commerce

Sponsorship of local youth groups, charity groups and schools

In addition to providing a tax deductible business investment, activity in the community allows Omni West Group to be a responsible corporate neighbor and provides additional opportunities to build company awareness and
brand recognition.

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